Monday, September 25, 2006
It is the first flower!
One day after I came back from bro4sis3 outing, the first flower appeared!!!
It was from the seed that bro4 gave sis3 for last xmas..
Quite qiao. Cuz it was given as a seed during the last time the whole bro4sis3 met up and after 1 yr when we meet up again, it started to flower! Haha, gan dong.
Ok ok i am v lag, after 2 days then blog abt our outing tgth. Cuz i was addicted to sudoku! And I did until my head nearly burst argh, how to blog lidat right? Heehee..
Had a really fun day out with bro4sis3 last Friday! Really really fun! Being with them is so comfortable. I dun have to care abt my xing xiang, I dun have to care abt my politeness, so can be rude lor, go look at ppl's hp inbox until they bao zha and yet can laugh at them getting pissed off. Mwhaha! Just joking la! But I am quite certain that it'll be more fun if we can do away with the time limit when we have to get home. Then can play for the whole day! And crap and laugh till pheng.
Aiya, y i go to the toilet and miss the wu niang dance part? So wasted, if not can see 4 guys dancing the yoga part on the kbox sofa. Super jing bao! LOLX! Plus the only fun way not to get frozen to death in the extreme coldness in the KBox is to dance! Dance all cyndi and jolin's songs, juz do mirror image! (but the mirror image is of a broken mirror de la, cuz most of the time cannot catch up with the fast actions~ hahax..)Eh, at least the guys of this clique have the sense of being gentlemen lor, will offer their jackets to the gals de la! Hahax, nan de yi jian! Bu kui shi hao peng you!! ::pat pat::
And the crapping session after dinner was damn nice. Although I think we spent quite a long time deciding on the place to eat. V unlike us. Think we old liao, all methods to aid in decision-making (eg listing out priorities, quoting budget for dinner etc) like no use lidat. Hahax.. lao le lao le. Then we crapped alot after the not so nice dinner. Hahax, it's really fun with this clique sia. I dunno what else to say also. It's just very comforting to see all the familiar faces tgth. Can yi qi zhang bu da. Hahax.. want to go out tgth again! But A levels coming nia... Sian, spoil my mood. But I dun care arh, after the A levels MUST get tgth again! and I'll try to be available for the next outing de la.. Irresistable.
I will take good care of the plant de!
Ganbatte everyone! Whoosh!
(hax~ this is wad i tot when we were walking to the place for our dinner! LOLX!)
9:40 AM
Monday, September 18, 2006
Haha liao lor! Liao lor!
I am going to die a terrible death and have no job for the 8mths due to a disgustingly moronic prelim cert.
10 lessons learnt from Prelims:
1) Never attempt AQ before doing the compre qns/summary. It's a stupid thing to do.
2) Never attempt the qns at the back, that are the topics you guessed will come out, before trying out those in front for Math p1. It's a demoralising and stupid thing to do.
3) Never attempt essays before doing DRQs for phy and human geo. It's a moronic thing to do.
4) Never eat candies when doing human geo paper. Yea, it'll calm you down a bit, but after that you'll start choking at the qns.It's a distracting and stupid thing to do.
5) Never belittle Math p2's stats. It's a STUPID thing to do.
6) Never forget to check if there's any ans paper that's not tied up. It's a SCARY thing to do. And you'll die from heartattack out of shock b4 you die from heartattack out of sudden sadness upon getting back the papers.
7) Never forget to bring sweater when going for exams. It's a stupid thing to do, wanting to die of cold in the exam venue... That's y exam venues are usually cemetries...
8) Never sleep late the nite b4 math exams. It's a STUPID STUPID STUPID thing to do.
9) Never joke b4 the exams. It's a stupid thing to do.
10) Never listen to songs b4 exams. It's a stupid thing to do. It wun calm you down. It'll only make you forget every formula and detail instead.
So, don't go to the A'levels as stupid as me.
5:08 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Damn stressed arh. Study until I want to puke sia.
Want to laugh...
Check this out.
no more bird...
10:39 AM
Monday, September 11, 2006
Your Hair Should Be Orange |
 Expressive, deep, and one of a kind. You pull off "weird" well - hardly anyone notices. |
You Passed 8th Grade Geography |
 Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct! |
Your Learning Style: Enthusiastic and Imaginative |
 You are always up for an intellectual challenge - in fact, hard subjects are actually easiest for you.
You Should Study:
Advertising Astronomy Biology Chemistry Finance Journalism Marketing Physics |
Fine I have been taking the wrong subjects all these while.
10:17 AM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I love teacher's day.
Or rather the day before it.
Went out with my BELOVED bro4 sis3. Well actually not. Just bro3 and sis2. Zhihao and aileen were the ones absent la. But we still kept them in mind while we were having fun. E.g. yuchuan thinking of ai ai... Hahax~ ^__~
Had lunch at Billy Bombers. Hahax. If you happened to pass by that restaurant at Orchard, and saw 5 turtles aka sua-gus inside, then itx us la. Hahax, esp that yc arh, kept playing with the 2-sided paper-hankerchief-holder. Had a really fun time talking about crap etc. But the seats are really bad for heat regulation... Hahax, could feel the heat of simin's butt/seat when I got out from my seat... Hahax..
Then what. Ya. We walk walk la. And it was raining and our 3 macho guys refused to take out their umbrellas. Hmm... and simin was still hungry after eating the whole plate pasta for lunch. so shengchao and simin went to buy snacks and mum-mum on the way to kino.
Shengchao disappeared halfway in Kino. Were looking for him and my new-age section when the remaining 4 of us wanted to go to the toilet. Shengchao reappeared after we came out of the toilet. Tada.
Eh. Then we set off to suntec's toy room in search of gaga aka a very cute turtle. But simin said there wasn't any decent gaga in any of the shops. (We visited moe than 6 actioncity and minitoons and related toyshops can? yes i counted.)
In the end still couldn't find so went to look for gabriel's "yellow and black singlet" at basics. There we encountered 2 useless helpers. Ya. And got to know that Gab will be glad to sell his house just to get the budget for the singlet. Eh that's what shengchao said la.
Our legs were breaking so we went to find some place to sit down and eat again. The guys bought currypuffs and went to KFC to eat somemore. Hmm puberty in progress. There we saw a very scary uncle at the counter. Scared the hell out of yc. Cuz the uncle was saying in a very niang voice :" Hmm itx not ready yet lei.. Where are you sitting? (smile smile) Oh there arh? (smile)Ok, I'll send it to your table afterwards. SPECIALLY for you..."
You must imagine him saying that in a very niang voice and with niang hand gestures la. Yc shocked dao and scuttled back to the table... Hahax~ Damnation to a little innocent boy. hahax. Cai guai.
And we crapped somemore! From cold/lame jokes to science experiments with all sorts of sauces and coca-cola. Had a great time with the coupons too. We started an interesting lesson on NUM also la. Then laughed till mad especially when we tried to relate a new customer (a boy boy) and just now that uncle to the category of NUM.
Crazy sia.
Guess where we went to next? To eat desserts! Ben and Jerry at Suntec... hahax~
And my bag kena the choc ice-cream la. Strawberry cheesecake is nice~
Hmm then what?... Hmmm.... We went to the fountain of wealth! Started to get high. The walk around the fountain of wealth. The circle of life. And friends... Waa~ (tao zui..)And we took a couple of pics la. Haven't grab from yuchuan's friendster. Now using school com ma. Kena blocked from friendster lo.
Then we went home la, to eat dinner. (EAT AGAIN!!!!) Simin, gab, yc and I took 133 ma, then we crapped ALOT. from the future uni days to singapore idol's helium experience.
Hmm we were like a bunch of kids who just went out for our respective excursions lidat. And on the day b4 teacher's day, we got together to share our experience of the world out there. The 2 years were just like a temporary break for us.
Everybody jiayou for THE A LEVELS!!!!
(Just a sidetrack. You ppl know the movie 'The Host'? Haha. You know why the monster only captured the girl but didn't kill her? Cuz the monster only wanted to invite her to itx party! Itx the HOST for the party ma.
Got it? Hmm no wonder it couldn't quite understand y ppl were trying to kill it with that dunno what 'agent yellow'... hahax~ Anyway this explanation was given by none other than our genius (phooey) YC!!! Clever right? hahahax)
Wellx. Woot.
3:40 PM