Wednesday, January 31, 2007
My very own star in constellation Aquarius! This is my birthday present wor! Damn COOL!
My star: Shimmering Hope
shimmering hope
RegistrationLocation:RA 22h04m43.90s
DEC +0D16M57S
MAG 10.98
This star has been named for free as a joint service provided by Universal Star Council and

11:26 AM
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
We are all born to love. Aren't we?BORN TO LOVE
为爱而生(完整版)-- 五月天
10:42 AM
Monday, January 29, 2007
I think I am going crazy. I think I am really going crazy.
I cun stop myself from thinking! Somebody slap the person out of my mind please!
At the rate this is going, I am going to suffer worse than the last time. Slap me! SLAP ME!
Haix. Can't believe that it's for real this time. Cham. I die le la. Wan dan. Gone case.
I am going insane. Just realised that working cun really help too. My mind is spoilt liao la. Cun stop thinking. Cun stop thinking. Cun stop thinking.
So please dun blame me if i suddenly become very aggressive or very emo nowadays. I cun help it. I just feel very helpless la. Cun control myself to not think about...
Cun stop thinking. Guess I would need some medicine sia.
10:55 AM
Friday, January 26, 2007
The TvMobile was advertising for a Korean Movie called "Once in a summer" and somehow I found the background music was very familiar. Then I realised that the song's MaxiMilian Hecker's "Dying" from the album "Ladysleep"... I blogged about this song before. "He's a singer from Germany.. Touching Voice. But very depressing song. A hint of decadency in there. Just nice for me."
LolX~ Enjoy! ^__^
Dying by Maximilian HeckerAnd I found a FANTASTIC BLOG for all true aquarians! ^__^ Yay!
http://aquariandigest.blogspot.comAlot of the information are extremely accurate! Lolx!~ Enjoy it!
10:52 AM
I went home taking a different bus route last night. Bus 17 then change to bus 88 at pasir ris.
All the while on the bus my heart was aching. And aching. And aching. And aching.
Memories were flooding my mind when the bus passed by Aranda Country Club... Downtown East... Pasir Ris central... Then the botak edwin was smsing me somemore. Wahlao, really v sad on the bus.
When the bus was on TPE, the xmas 2 years ago came back to visit me. The time when sis3 was speeding (not over 90km/hr la, but still v fast)on the TPE on a lorry at around midnight~
Whoa, my heart was aching all the way. I could feel it sobbing in there. Still have to control myself on the bus.
Haix. Ya la, I know la, this entry v emo la.
But it's the truth! I miss you all V V V MUCH! ::cries::
10:14 AM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
You are 100% Aquarius |
10:52 AM
Haha...Very funny...
Aquarius and Taurus Co-Workers
Provided by
Tarot.comOn the surface, it may seem like you and Taurus are like oil and water. You're interested in all things strange and unfamiliar, while the Bull seeks comfort in timeworn routines. You like to build castles in the air, whereas Taurus has their feet planted firmly on the ground. You like to give money away, but your colleague wants to save it for a rainy day. So how can you possibly work together? By using each other's strengths to mitigate your respective weaknesses. For instance, it would be wise to entrust Taurus with financial matters, while you focus on product development. Similarly, the Bull can make your work space attractive, while you advertise your business's products and services. If you'd like to work together, consider the recording industry, retail sales, or real estate development.
Very funny. Think I am really a person to weord to be with. haha.
10:33 AM
Friday, January 19, 2007
This is the last batch of decent pics which I'ad taken~ ^__^ Enjoy!
So near to heaven
Us at the mouth of River Moore (Such blue waters!)
Pretty sunrise (taken from our apt's balcony)
Holy light in the desert! Lolx!
Born for the wind (wind farm)
The sunset with the beauty that made me swear "wahlao! O.o"
4:12 PM
Wave Rock here we come! ^__^
The beautiful and majestic Wave Rock at Hyden!Guess what? It's REAL! Lolx!
Careful Kimmy! (Mr Ng K.T. under a tafoni)

Mr Yeo & Mr J Ng (fieldstudy at River Moore in the WINTER! Brr!!!)
The Antarctic Ocean ^__^
Lurv it.
3:56 PM
Ok fine. I admit. I am a super lagger.
Well, I am just late for 7 months only mah... LOLX! Forgive me gals!
Our Magic School Bus
The journey ahead (ttx connie's head anw)
King's Park
Swan Lake
Perth's CBD (Whoa..)
2:27 PM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
过去的一年学到了什么?读了前几天晚报里的 WB Forum 后,有些感触。
11:07 AM
Monday, January 15, 2007
What's Your Emotional Age?
There are countless reasons why people may act or feel a certain age at any given point in their lives. Feeling a certain age is not a static thing, nor is it something that always follows a pre-determined pattern. Some people act older when they are children then have a second childhood in their retirement years. Others act like children until they become parents and then seem to click into a different mode. It can be helpful and insightful to learn which stage you're at right now, and why.
Nobody fits neatly into a given category. There are several components in your emotional age: behavior, feelings, and responsibility. In the area of behavior, you seem to fall into the "adult" category. Adults tend to be efficient and responsible. You are probably a "doer" whom others consider reliable, stable, and consistent. People feel they can depend on you. Of course, if others rely too much on you, it can be a burden. You seem, however, to be someone who strikes a healthy balance between fulfilling others' needs and taking care of your own. Just be aware that if you feel overwhelmed by the pressures put on you, you should take some time out for yourself.
Emotions:9.5/10 Mature
In the realm of emotions, you seem to fall into the "mature" category. This means that you probably have a difficult time expressing yourself emotionally and feel that overt expressions of emotion may be childish. In some situations, this is positive because you are able to be rational and composed. It also means, however, that you might sometimes come across as unaffected or uncaring. It is healthy to allow yourself to "feel" things and to release your emotions when the need arises. A less matter-of-fact approach toward your own feelings might be beneficial for you and help you in your interactions with others.
Responsibility:7.5/10 Mature
When it comes to the level of responsibility you assume, for yourself or others, you fall into the "adult" category. This means that you are probably someone who can be relied on to come through in any situation. People around you likely consider you dependable and strong. Don't let your dominant care-taking side force you to neglect your own needs. Keep a healthy balance and continue to take care of yourself too.
11:18 AM
Are You Evil?Evil Middle Low4/10--Evil
Good for you, you're human. We all have evil thoughts, and you may have acted on a few of yours, but you're probably okay traveling through Buffy's turf. Or maybe you're an aspiring evil person and you've never given yourself a real chance. Go ahead and forgive yourself for the mean-spirited — but ultimately harmless — pranks you pulled in grade school. Whispering behind your co-workers' backs won't flood you with bad karma. And we've all held out for ourselves in the throes of passion a time or two. So keep listening to that conscience of yours, but don't worry about tuning it out every so often. Keep reading for more evil details!
6/10--not sexually evil
4/10--sexually evil
So, you have a healthy sex drive — good for you! No one likes a prude. In general, you give as well as you get, though everyone can get a little selfish under the covers, so don't beat yourself up about going for the big one on your birthday. And while you're at it, go ahead and admit it — you've probably flashed a big smile to get your way in the bedroom before. But for the most part, you strike us as a pretty generous lover who's doing well at keeping your raw, sexual power in check. Yeah, baby!
5/10--not passive aggressive
5/10--passive aggressive
Okay, admit it — sometimes you'd rather avoid face-to-face conflict. Now, was telling us that to our face so hard? No. Being up front about any concerns as soon as you have them, rather than letting them build up and turn into, say, a tire-slashing incident, is a good thing. And it sure beats getting a reputation as someone with a taste for revenge. Sure, you probably wouldn't make a very good bouncer, but that's okay. Take comfort from the fact that, overall, we think you're just swell.
1/10--not black hearted
9/10--black hearted
You've got a golden heart, not a black one. Your respect for other people, nature, and the whole darn planet makes you a shining example of what we all could be if we just cared a little more. You're like a walking, talking Disney movie. But remember, sometimes it's healthy to punch a pillow, crush a bug, or turn down a request to drive a friend to the airport. Not only is a little black-heartedness normal, it's also (gasp!) fun.
What's Your Goddess Identity?Shuyi, you're Angel!
Just like the haloed and winged guardians of good, you truly have a heart of gold, sweet Angel. Whenever there's a chance to pitch in, save the day or just make life easier for the people around you, you're the one for the job.You don't just jump in without planning — you use your angelic head to figure out how to do things right the first time, like only the most dependable goddesses can. Whether brainstorming a new solution to a problem, planning a surprise party for your parents, or lending your friends a wing to cry on, you've got the right instincts, so follow them whenever you can. As natural as it is for you to take care of the people around you, don't forget to treat yourself right, too. The best friendships, and loves, of a lifetime tend to blossom when you become your own guardian angel. So don't listen to those who say nice girls finish last. People have always seen you as a goddess of thoughtfulness and good intentions, and it hasn't slowed you down a bit. All in all, Angel, you've got it made with your glowing attitude and ability to see from on high. So get out there and change the world!
11:01 AM
Friendster Horoscope for January 15, 2007
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
The Bottom Line
Trust your intuition today -- your predictions will be exceptionally accurate.
In Detail
No one can see into the future, but you could come awfully close today. Telling fortunes, guessing at the outcomes of sporting events, and predicting when so-and-so will get married or pregnant are just a few examples of some mind-blowing activities you could take part in today. The point is, right now your instincts are so sharp that they verge on the supernatural -- so rely on them and exercise them, or else they will get rusty.
9:54 AM
Friday, January 12, 2007
This is my last salute to my NYJC's life:I'll miss those days T__T
11:00 AM
Thursday, January 11, 2007
To You, I am an angel, I am an angel. Just that I'ad broken my wings.I hid them in my closet, away from my sight. They were once my burden,ironically pulling me down when I tried to fly. People made use of my feathers of kindess for their own desires and I could not stop them, because I am an angel and angels aren't supposed to do that. So one day I thought I had to quit, before I move on to the next phase of my life in which I might meet more of such greedy people. I reached to my back, clenched my teeth and broke my wings.I thought it would be better for me to be without wings, but I was wrong. Very wrong indeed. People no longer come to me like they used to. They shunned me and treated me like an alien (or worse, a devil) with an odd halo above my head. I am like a handicapped angel to them, an angel without value. And you are one of the cruel ones.You were special and I wanted to show my appreciation to you. I had tried hard, very hard. But still, without my wings, I couldn't express myself as well as I could in the past. I thought you would understand, but you disappointed me.You only have eyes for winged angels, those who are famously known for their kindness and thoughtfulness. And you thought all true angels should always keep yjeir feathery beauty in sight. But you forgot that there are angels who had been ill-treated and had their kindness taken advantage of, and these are the angels who had chose to break their own wings to save themselves, so that they can survive and spread kindness in disguise as commoners. Angels are born, not made. Look at that halo! Can't you see it? It is the proof! It will not disappear even if the wings arebroken.But of course, all you could see are her wings. All you could see are her kindness, thoughtfulness, sensibility and that 'wingy' angelic beauty. You wouldn;t care about my halo. You are just like the others. Stop saying that I am improving on my angelic qualities. I didn't intend to improve anyway. It's just that my feathers on my back are starting to grow back by themselves. You treated me like a devil all along, just beacause I was wingless since the day you saw me. The misunderstandings don't matter anymore. What matters is the truth about you.You are biased. You are biased! You are just like the rest. You even needed a winged angel (who else?) to convince you that a wingless angel is still an angel.I am utterly disappointed with you. I really am. You aren't that special afterall. You are just like the rest.Anyway, you lost the bet. Stop acting and pay up. Split the debt up with that winged honey of yoyrs if you want to. I don't mind.Oh and thanks for the pair of horns. They look great with my halo. But I think I'll throw the horns awayonce I grow back my wings. Or maybe I'll sell them away so that I can get a better pair of glasses, just in case. I wouldn't want to spot the wrong Mr Right the next time.One more reminder before I go.I am an angel TOO.From Temporary Wingless Devil-AngelT. WINGLESS ANGEL IS CURRENTLY GROWING BACK THE LAST FEATHER OF HER LEFT WING & SHE HAD SOLD HER PAIR OF HORNS AWAY FOR A BETTER PAIR OF GLASSES. HER HALO IS SHINING EVER SO BRIGHTLY. SHE CLAIMED THAT SHE HASN'T RECIEVED EVEN THE TINIEST BIT OF THE DEBT THAT PERSON HAD OWED HER. BUT OF COURSE, SHE IS KIND ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND HIS CURRENT SITUATION (She's an angel afterall). HER OLD PAIR OF WINGS IS NOW PLACED IN THE MUSEUM OF ANGELS IN SYTH (IN A TROPICAL COUNTRY) FOR ALL TO ADMIRE. ADMISSION TO THE MUSEUM IS FOC. SUITORS PLEASE CALL 9876543210. ALL SUITORS WITH BIAS AGAINST WINGLESS ANGELS ARE NOT WELCOMED. THANK YOU.
8:34 AM
Monday, January 08, 2007
Ok I forgive them. The ones who smirked at me etc.
Maybe they were just too busy and tired of receiving calls for the whole day.
After 2 days of intensive work: My job sucks! It's a job without life. And there's a day when I got totally depressed but still must smile and serve customers and teachers. It was like having your soul sucked out by a death eater. And they are exploiting A level students lor. But I stupid mah, so I signed the contract. Cannot eat properly, cannot go to toilet as and when nature calls. Must serve unreasonable parents. Must explain that it's not our fault but the teachers' fault (v last minute la!) when parents complain that teachers keep changing schedules. Lots of admin stuff to do. Many numbers to rmb. Many things to photocopy. Too much work but too little resources to use. And the whole system is damn complicated and untidy. One more word: YUCK.
After 3 days of work: Well, at least now I had found myself a friend who worked this yucky job with me. And we shared the same passion for Geography! I love geo sia! And I had learnt many things which some of you out there won't have the chance to learn. Think I would have to adapt to everything ba... Then life would be better. LOOKING FORWARD TO FRIDAY, MY OFF DAY!!! And the day when I get my salary~~
I must be brave and jian chi xia qu!
Wish me luck!
9:42 AM
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Well some people are just so rude!
And this time I'm not refering to little kids, but adults! Full grown adults who had became arrogant and unfriendly after entering the working society... Well, what's more is that they work in the service industry! It's a blessing that I didn't come across them face-to-face but just through the phone.
And that's so enough. I don't like being humiliated by strangers through phone, seriously.
I've got a feeling that I am not going to have a pleasant time at work liao, now that I've encountered a difficult person in that company... Dead worried sia.
Plus I was not informed about anything about my work lor. I am the one who had to call them to ask when can I start work in a desperate voice despite the fact that it was promised that they will call to update me on stuff. Then, suay suay they were eating lunch when I called, so they promised to call back asap. Then what? When I was having lunch, they called and I have to swallow my mushroom full and answer the call. Then what? I was suddenly ordered to introduce myself, which I did. Then what? She cut me off when I was introducing myself and used an accusing tone to ask me if I'ad answered their call last week. I told her politely that I didn't, but someone from the company called me again and I was informed that my trainer was out of Singapore so there will be some alteration to the date of work. Then what? She told me to turn up tmr. In a totally flat tone. I asked her what's the dress code then. Cuz the last time when I called I was told to dress casually and that's because I didn't have to do anything formal yet on the 2nd of Jan. Now that the situation is different, shouldn't I ask her to check again?
And do you know what she did?
She laughed at me!
****** **!
"You are asking me?(smirk smirk smirk)(silence)"
"errr,... yah?..."
"You are asking me?(smirk)(silence) You should know what!(smirk smirk)"
"... So... I'll just dress formally right?..."
"(distant 'hahaha') hmm.. yah (smirk) ok then. see you then (smirk smirk smirk) Bye!~~ (smirk)" Click.
So this is how our service quality is degrading.
Tell you what, I am gonna improve it once I join the service sector tomorrow.
Just watch.
3:28 PM
Hahax~ I am BORED!!!
10:13 AM
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
YEAR 2007 HOROSCOPES by Pamela McHenry, "StarGoddess"http://www.astrology.comAQUARIUS OVERVIEW: This year, idealistic Aquarius shines brightly. You truly are a visionary with a high sense of purpose and an advanced way of thinking. It will be very easy for you to express your individuality and altruistic ideals.
New opportunities will arise to express your true feelings and perceptions in ways that increase your confidence. You will find that you have unique ways of earning money this year. You will be able to bring your visionary ideals to a personal level and attract tangible rewards that benefit your value system. Take on a more imaginative way of expressing yourself. You may choose to experiment with different lifestyles this year. You have a tremendous drive for independence and don't like to work for other people as much as having your own business, so you may be motivated to think about how to manifest a new business. Your career may take on more of a passionate way of using your intuitive abilities to get to the inner meaning of things.
Your efforts will allow new resources to evolve in your life and lead to the greater good. You will also likely be concerned with changing your physical environment. In love relationships this year, you will be very energetic and may very well attract a flamboyant and energetic significant other. Your magnetic personality will bring you a good match who will be equally giving and excited to have a whirlwind of passion, love and joy in life.
CAREER: You have an inventive, logical mind and are full of positive energy for starting new projects this year. You would do well investigating methods of bringing potentialities to the forefront. You are easy to get along with and excel in areas of partnerships and business relationships. You have good judgment, diplomacy and tact, and are outwardly directed while at the same time being very self-reliant.
Your financial integrity is deepened in 2007, and benefits will be easily attained through influential friendships that help you accomplish your dreams. You are socially conscious and work well with high-minded groups with strong humanitarian ideals. You love working with others and do well when you have lots of people around you.
You are a natural conduit for receiving the resources you need to help you in your career; you learn more from experience than from school. Ideas are not important to you if they don't have a practical application. Marketing would be a great avenue for you to utilize your talent in finding areas that need creativity. You are good at analyzing situations and have a practical mentality with great powers of reason. Others find you dependable and know they can rely on your thought process.
You focus mentally through speaking and writing. There's a strong connection between your inner awareness and your professional ambitions in the world. Toward the end of the year, your energies may be needed in compassionate services. You have a big heart and would do well in the capacity of caregiving or working with those with special needs.
LOVE: You love going out on the town, and you need to be seen in order to feel connected with others. You have a very demonstrative and affectionate nature, and this year you will need to be where people go to escape the more serious realms of critical thinking. You may overwhelm others who aren't inclined toward enjoying the theatrical expression of their emotions.
You need to be surrounded by people who value your playfulness and self-expression. You are at your best when you drop your concern for others' opinions and relax into being yourself. You will experience a need to express yourself clearly and energetically to make sure your needs are met this year. You are very loyal in your one-on-one partnership and expect the same in return. You enjoy all the enthusiasm in your love life and find that you can't live without this special person who brings you so much excitement and wonder. You may be somewhat of a dreamer and romanticize emotions, yet your dreams may reflect truths when you are in tune to your higher awareness.
You love travel and are likely to take many journeys. Around autumn, you are excited by a harmonious relationship and find that
what's nice on your own is especially nice with another. In marriage, you will have the chance to balance your energy. You easily share your sensitive and caring nature, which is very devoted and loyal. You value kindness above all else, based on the foundation you likely had growing up in a calm and beneficial home environment. You have a strong need to share your philosophy of life with someone who has emotional sensitivity in the subconscious realms. Buckle your seatbelt, Aquarius!
11:04 AM
Happy New Year!
Well, I spent the first 2 days of the new year re-reading Harry Potter & the order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter & the half-blood prince for the 5th time. Now there's smth wrong with my neck, I think. Cuz it's a bit sprained, all thanks for the hours of full-time reading. LOLX! I missed full-time reading! And I can't wait for the 7th book of the series to be out, and the movie too, of course. ^__^
Haven't start work yet, although the date of work was stated as 2 of Jan on the contract. Cuz the person who interviewed me called to inform me that my trainer went overseas le, so the earliest date to start work'll be on thursday.
This is the first time in the past 12years that I nv go back to school on the day when S'pore schools reopen! T__T WEIRD!
And simin was telling me on msn that I can connect to people well, so I dun need to worry much about my work. HA! Why do I suddenly feel like a modem huh?! Sigh...
I've gotta work out my new year resolutions fast and go check out websites for night schools. Just in case.
Just in case.
10:30 AM