Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ENFP) |
 Your personality type is enthusiastic, giving, cautious, and loyal.
Only about 8% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 6% of all men You are Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
11:21 AM
Wise T.G.'s Doll!

Cute right? Go to http://elouai.com/doll-makers/candybar-doll-maker.php and create your dolly!~ Male dolls' designs coming soon too! ^__^
10:24 AM
Monday, February 26, 2007
读了Serene 的 blog。她还是一样。她还是那个傻傻的天使。
我不知道她的小插曲是哪一首,也不知道为什么它会再次发生了又离开。但至少我知道每一件发生的事都有它的意义存在,尽管它有多失望,尽管它有多无奈。 更何况它是一次再一次地发生。
10:02 AM
Friday, February 23, 2007
I LOVE MAYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11:28 AM
11:03 AM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
哇~ 这次的毒中得可深啊!~
词.曲:阿信 唱:五月天
夜 黑夜 寂寞的夜里 气 生气 对自己生气
软弱的电话 又打 给你想 听你 那边的空气
有 什么 精采的话题你还是温柔 给我 婉转 的距离
我的声音在笑 泪在飙 电话那头的你可知道
世界若是 那么大 为何我要忘记你 无处逃
我的声音在笑 泪在飙 电话那头的你可知道
世界若是 那么小 为何我的真心 你听不到
会 很会 伪装我自己 你 不该背我的秘密 沉重都给我 微笑 给你
奔 狂奔 空旷的感情 走 暴走 暴走的伤心
透明的叹息 最后 还是 我的秘密
我的声音在笑 泪在飙 电话那头的你可知道
世界若是 那么大 为何我要忘记你 无处逃
我的声音在笑 泪在飙 电话那头的你可知道
世界若是 那么小 为何我的真心 你听不到
听不听不到 我的执着 扑通扑通一直在跳
直到你有一天能够明了 我做得到 我做得到
我的声音在笑 泪在飙电话那头的你可知道
世界若是那么大 为何我要忘你 无处逃
我的声音在笑 泪在飙 电话那头的你可知道
世界若是 那么小 为何我的真心 你听不到
10:47 AM
Monday, February 12, 2007
Chinese New Year is coming!
This year I'll have to send one less sms to my secondary school friend who went back to China a couple of weeks ago.. Lolx~ Good thing that he didn't need to suffer like the rest in NS! Hahaha.. Or else he may lose all his artisitic talents in the face of torturing camps which make you dig before you shit and give you sandflies as pets. Thank you Mummy for giving birth to me as a girl and I must thank my Papa for the X chromosome he contributed.
The past 2 weeks had been really tough, for my friends (in NS and those who are working), and myself. But whenever I feel really depressed I would look at their pictures in my phone and continue to hang in there.. Cuz I know we are all suffering together la, although we are at different parts of the island but when we are sleeping, we are still under the same nightsky! I guess Simin would want to hug me for saying these very touching words haha.. Aileen's having her exams now, then Huifang is busy working.. Shuhui? Must be busy eating more rice.. lol.. No la, she's also working. Then Shuting needs to handle difficult children.. Weiyu must be working till siao now in the supermarket cuz this is the CNY season, sure got many shoppers de. Serene may be waving the golf clubs around trying to persuade customers to buy them as presents for their father-in-laws when they visit the parents-in-law during CNY. Peishan would be busy counting notes and doing accounts in the bank.. Banks always get v busy during festive seasons de mah.. Maybe she can get the chance to give out (empty) red packets to the customers too Haha! My fangz would be busy preparing for all the hiong block tests..
And all the guy friends... either working as I dunno wad or are already in the NS.
Haha... 一起吃苦的日子。
After thinking about them I'll feel alot better.. It feels good to know that we are all gaining unique experience while "suffering" over things we may not learn from the schoolwork which we had done in the past.
Haha... 撑着啊!
Happy Chinese New Year! ^__^
9:42 AM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Angel by Mayday
曲:怪兽 词:阿信
你就是我的天使 保护着我的天使 从此我再没有忧伤
你就是我的天使 给我快乐的天使 甚至我学会了飞翔
飞过人间的无常 才懂爱才是宝藏
不管世界变得怎么样 只要有你就会是天堂
像孩子依赖着肩膀 像眼泪依赖着脸庞
你就像天使一样 给我依赖 给我力量
像诗人依赖着月亮 像海豚依赖海洋
你是天使 你是天使 你是我最初和最后的天堂
11:18 AM
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Friendster Horoscope for February 6, 2007
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
The Bottom Line
If you have any urge to go off on your own, fight it. Other people need you.
In Detail
If you have any urge to go off on your own today, try to fight it. Your presence is earnestly needed by a group of people who are trying to solve a problem. Even if you don't have a solution, you can help this group just by contributing your opinions. Today is a good day to connect with someone you normally wouldn't want to spend time with. He or she might not be your favorite person, but together you can create something wonderful.
10:45 AM
以前没参加过 flagday 所以一直不把那些手拿着铁罐的姐姐哥哥们放在眼里,只知道往铁罐里投一个钱币就能得到一张贴纸,还能做善事。
钱啊~ What a sin, what a sin.
一身黑皮肤 白手套红短裤
一双大大耳朵 随时在向人打招呼
他是我的朋友 陪我笑陪我哭
尤其是当我 当我最无助 有他听着我倾诉
醒了 世界依然残酷
以为我爱着孤独 以为自己不会迷路
以为自己跟自己 在不用谁照顾
以为我爱着孤独 却又崩溃的无助
谁能让我拥抱着 尽情的哭
让我唯一的朋友 不是老鼠
谁是草莓族 你才是 榴莲族
一身伤人顽固 伤害我 还要我不哭
摩天轮停住 咖啡杯不跳舞
孩子练习着 让悲伤麻木 快乐 也开始麻木
9:49 AM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Lesson learnt on 19th birthday:
WHAT DOESN'T KILL ME WILL MAKE ME STRONGER.Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha~Thanks arh. (smirk)
10:11 AM
What's human's worst fear?
It is the unknown.
Haix, this job I'm having now is driving me crazy. There are always tu1 fa1 zhuang4 kuang4 and sudden changes made in the admin branch allocation. And these situations are usually too much for us to handle, with the most important reason being the management team not informing the poor admin staff at all, leaving the confused staff staring helplessly into the unknown thrown tactlessly at them. The welfare sector is really...
Well, how much can I expect from them anw? I am only a temporary full-time. I feel so exploited lor, and over so little salary. Shouldn't have signed the stupig contract at all. Hmm.. maybe I should just give 2 month's notice and pay them one month's salary and flee? I am still my parents' belonging lei, how can they do such mean things to my parents' belonging huh? I dun really care about the money lor, I care more about my well-being. How much sense of belonging to the centre can they expect from me when I am treated like... like THAT? I am sure most of the others will feel exactly like me, if not worse. Just that they wouldn't dare to speak up. This is where the money factor comes in. Money makes the world spin out of control. Money now controls us, not the other way round. Money dulls our mind, even stop us from expressing our own feelings and viewpoints. Being able to express our feelings is what makes us humans, unlike most of the other animals which are less talented in controlling this powerful skill. With the evil deeds of money we can't even be in touch with our own feelings, much less to say about feeling human. Hmm, maybe not all staff will feel like that la. Cuz they are already used to such torture le.
Is torture too strong a word?
So much for my 19th Birthday.
9:37 AM