Friday, March 30, 2007
Was boliao and read random blogs online. Came across some blogs that belong to my friends' friends.
Wahlao! I was really switched off by their blogs lor. All the entries were very emo~ And very depressing. What "what is happiness?" la, "hoping for miracles" la, "locking myself up" la...
SIAN-ed. (I am SOOO not gg to visit their blogs ever again)
LIFE IS SO BEAUTIFUL! Why can't they see it anw? And we don't need miracles. Because life itself IS a miracle. Right? Right! ^^
And what exactly is happiness?
You'll know it if you feel contented with your present life. Always looking at what we don't have won't get us anywhere near happiness.
In other words, we already HAVE happiness. It's just that we refused to acknowledge it.
I am glad and Proud to say that, I am happy now.
And DOWN with all emo blogs! (Well, mine used to be one. Lol~)
10:48 AM
Monday, March 26, 2007
--《勇气之书》 凯西 陈 ^^
11:38 AM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Went to Sentosa after work today. Caught the last glimpse of the beauty of the Musical Fountain. Quite impressive.
Took many pics but they are of really bad quality. Cuz the unclw whom we asked to help us didn't know how to take properly la. So in the end...
Quite fun over there, although I was really a little tired. I just saw them and all the stress from work just went away straightaway. Felt really comfortable lor. I think it's cuz of the familiarity bah. Then I dun need to care abt my image (as usual), or act v polite like when I have to face the dozen parents and strangers at work everyday. I am so glad that I found them! ^^
Went to Vivomart to get some sushi sets for the guys for dinner before gg over with simin. All the way we were quite frustrated about being unable to find things and stuff, but when we reached Sentosa, Simin somehow started to say things that "I hope they are lost." when she really didn't mean it. (They really got lost anw) And we were wondering if they have got any food to eat. Cuz they usually eat v early de mah, then waited till v long dunno will gastric or wad.
In the end I gave one setof the sushi to a group of strangers la. Couldn't finish the sushi. lol
Here are some the pics yc sent me.

The younger generation is usually more tech-savvy. This is the evidence.

Heehee. Suddenly feel so tall~

Well, this pic is basically to 避邪。
KK, Just Joking la. These are two very shuai ges ok. ^_~
But the piao liang mei mei behind is better, of cos.
(Dunno wad I was laughing abt. Maybe I was just happy bah.)
Love them lots. ^^
Eee.. Mushy sia. Lolx!
Ganbatte people! We will survive! ^^
11:39 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007
Just came back from church.
One lesson learnt tonight: faith is a wonderful thing. It'll be in your heart forever as long as you believe in it. ^^
Continuing my exploration for a couple of months. Then I'll decide.
Anw my ears are still intact. Lolx. Didn't pierce them at all, cuz no time. I was late. The same goes to my hair. Still there.
11:43 PM
I can't concentrate on my script nowadays... and this is so unprofessional of me. Just need someone to slap me back to reality. Haha...
On a lighter note...
Now planning a surprise farewell party for a co-worker ^^ Must celebrate her freedom!
Friendship is such a wonderful thing <3 Who cares about love and stuff when I have such great friends around me? Lolx~ Friendship will never die de lor. Shall treasure the friendship & kinship I have now... These are enough for me at the moment ^^ Why? Cuz Mayday said so, "知足"。Haahaa...
Going for the church service tonight to have a feel of it. I think now is the time for me to explore. I asked a parent of a student of the tuition centre about Buddhism too. Think I may be joining some Sokka meetings if I have the time. Spiritual guidance is important to humankind! Even though I may still stay as a freethinker, I believe that religion has its stand in the modern society. The fact that they have survived till now shows that they are important to humans, no matter the time & space in which they are being practised.
Respect is very important bah.
Hehheh, I may be going ear-piercing too. Damn scared sia. Aiya, I dunno la. Maybe or maybe not. Must see how first. I always do things with 冲动 de. Lolx. But I have tingz beside me, so I'll be ok bah... (T_T)
Thinking of cutting my hair very short... Like the one when I was in Primary school. But I wanna plait my hair lei~ That's the main reason why I am having long hair now. Haahaahaa... very stupig right?! Lolx. Maybe I'll play with my hair first then when I am sian-ed then I go cut till v short. Haahaa... My Dad will be very shocked (“哎哟!我的宝贝女儿!你的长发?!O.o")!
He'll think that I must be ditched by someone or wad. Well. Hahahaha! Hahaha! Haha! Ha! Ha. Ha.
(Well, they are the only ones who are allowed to slap me. Cuz I wun 还手。)
Haiz this is so tiring. And my tarot cards REFUSED to gimme guidance this time! 超邪门。VERY QI GEK! >_<
So, I'll have to make the decision myself for this time. Hmm.
12:06 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Wahlao eh. Sometimes I want to run away but things around me kept reminding me of the stuff I am trying to get away from.
Went to 7-eleven below my tuition centre today in super speed in the evening just to get some instant noodles, tidbits and mashed potato to refill my survivor pack. I was thinking of cheering myself up with some very unhealthy tidbits de lor, and I was happily paying the cashier etc etc etc. (Quite ex lor, spent $6smth) Then the stupig cashier didn't just give me my change lor. She gave me a receipt, my change and that stupig smth else which I cannot tear my eyes away from it. Then I can't even return it to her wor, the others queuing up will be thinking that I am siao-ed if I do. So I could only stare and stare and just accepted it.
My night was ruined just like that. Haix. Whatever la.
Some things are just so difficult to run away from. Sian.
Yep, going to the musical fountain on Sat to see its beauty for one last time before it is gone for good. Hope everything'll be back to normal after Saturday bah.
Hope so.
12:21 AM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I am now working on the second draft of my Chinese script to be handed up to my illustrator on next Tuesday. So glad that there's someone who actually appreciated my workpiece! ^^ The thing is that she's quite a talented young woman too... So we are going to work together to do up something like a comic. The storyline is about our fight for freedom from the huge 贼船。
Haahaa~ 就是要你的丑事暴光!哼!
Well anyway, didn't expect this very talented girl to be surprised when I told her about my tarot decks and the Astrology birth charts I plotted. Lolx... She smsed me that I have a very unique personality and told me not to lose it.
Whoa... So flattered. But I don't really see the uniqueness in me la... I am just happy being myself lo. ^^ Haahaa~ Still feeling very flattered!
Ok fine. I am abit too duh... That's the trait of an Aquarian anyway- very interested in myself la.
Eh anyway I applied for NUS & NTU already. I wanna take Geography or Chinese. If I am taking Chinese then I'll be taking translation as my minor!~ Lolx! So excited at the thought.

Picture (A)
Hehheh. I love Geo and strawberry cheesecake too!
"Students, can you please label the cliff face and the debris/talus on the given picture (A)? Then identify the weathering processes which had taken place in the climate which you had identified."
"Teacher, why the cliff has got pinkish stuff on it de huh?!"
"You shut up la. I tell you to label then label la, don't talk so much. Quick! Label!"
"... ... Orh."
Haahaa. I am an evil teacher~

These are my favourite teachers(geo teachers!)!!! The Ngs! Jon Jon & Kimmy (the one who kept putting food into my bowl when we were in Perth)... Ok ok, I took the pic from the notice board can? I don't dare to take pic with them cuz I shy, although adeline and shanyu insisted that they could help me take the pic if I wanna take with Mr Jonathan Ng & Mr Ng Kim Teck. Lolx!
Too bad I don't have a pic of Mrs Wong Check Siew. She's the one who really inspired me lo. To think that I am the only one taking Geography after my sec4 class graduated to go to either JC or Polytechnics.
"We lost our dreams along the way." That's what Simin said.
Well, I am still dreaming.
10:19 AM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Hmm... still waiting for the moment when I have the courage~
Read Park Kwang-soo's 《飞-ing》:
11:42 AM
Monday, March 19, 2007
As some of the others are looking forward to Jolin's concert in Singapore, I am looking forward to the concert of
2nd of June 2007! Saturday!
2nd of June shall be my happiest day! ^_^ A date that I'll really really look forward to!
Hope that I can get the tix~ And go 摇滚 one whole night! Anyone coming with me? ^_~
10:36 AM
Friday, March 16, 2007
Bro3 Sis2
Back (from left): Gabo, chuanchuan, momo
Front: Me & Minmin
拍得不好请原谅我ok ^_^"

A bunch of angels with the Holy Light behind them~
(哈哈~真不要脸……什么 angels 啦!)
嗯,今天的 KBOX Marathon 差一点唱到我失声。 哈哈~
我们已经迈入第五年的友情岁月咯!感动吧?超感激~ 现在还能在一起胡闹!
“啦啦 啦啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦 啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦” ^^
11:27 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
This is one of my fav hokkien songs by mayday - 轧车。
A tribute to Mayday~
11:08 AM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Simin! Guess wad song is that!
11:46 AM
You Are The Magician |
 You are powerful and wise - beyond what anyone can see. Deeply complex, you have the resources to connect to the spiritual and material world. You posses the knowledge to manipulate your life and the lives around you. You also have a great healing power, should you choose to use it.
Your fortune:
You have unhidden powers that you have yet to tap into. Soon, you will better understand how to use your intellect and intuition. Believe it or now, you will discover how you can manipulate yourself and others for good. You are at the beginning of a path of spiritual enlightenment. |
2:48 AM
I used to have friends only from my age group. Then slowly I became very good friends with some of my CCA seniors and started to search for friends who are older than me (I can't believe I actually went about looking for an older pen pal on the teenage magazine 3 years ago! Now this pal has already became my msn pal and he has even became my neighbour! Power right? ^^). Then I overcame myself and convinced myself to mix around with younger kids who may be really childish in their actions and thinking aka juniors.
Well, in the end all my friends are still in the age categories quite near to mine, since we all either meet in school or just happened to read through the same magazine.
After taking up the current temporary job, my new friends start to come from very different age groups.
I have a very good friend named Rosalynn and she's just 7 years old! We share secrets, share candies, play hangman together and sometimes she'll even help me staple the huge stacks of worksheets which I must photocopy everyday. If she's free, she'll even drop by the tuition centre early to keep me company because she knows that I will feel lonely. That day she even brought me an orange to snack on cuz she saw me eating very unhealthy cup noodles as my dinner a few weeks ago. So thoughtful hor? ^^
Then there's this P4 kid who got scolded by me for being rude. He kena my scolding till very cham and I complained to his parents and auntie some more! Hahaha... But in the end we became great friends lor, he'll even buy me sweets and we'll try out new types of candies together. Our common topic is... hand phone technology! Well, you can't imagine how tech-savvy kids can be nowadays~
Hmm, and I start to have friends at the other end of the age groups. I chatted quite abit with an Indian mother and shared our views on very different topics in life. We talked about everything - from interesting health tips to her love story. Ha! And that day she was asking if I have a bf and she started to advise me about relationships. I usually end up learning from her life experiences after chatting with her. Sometimes it's better for a person who had went through life's challenges to share with the next generation as a friend. I really benefited alot from her teaching... Anw now I know how to find a bf le! Hahaha...
There is this father who always come on Sunday to bring his daughter over for tuition and he'll usually chat with me too. We were discussing about my future (education, jobs etc) when he shared his work experiences and his encounters with office politics with me. Whoa, that day's chatting session with him is really useful lor... Cuz I really need the advice mah. The working world is full of backstabbers, liars and monsters de, and most of the time they are disguised so well that you won't even know they are who they are. He lent me a management self-help book written by his friend (the book has got the author's signature!) titled "Hell at Work". Will laugh till peng one. Cuz everything written inside is so ridiculous and yet so true about this world's companies' management, employers, employees and customers. It's so bad that it's funny... Well, I guess sometimes we have to be more optimistic la, we should just laugh and see bad situations in a different light, and then solve them all purposefully, rather than feel sad or discouraged by some insensitive people whom we may never see again after this phase of our life.
And there is a parent whom I've never seen, but only heard. We only talked through phone for a few times and we are already friends le lor, we give advice to each other de. She'll ask me all about university application (his son same age as me) and teenagers' mindsets while I'll learn from her life experiences she shared with me. E.g. how to identify backstabbers aka baddies and how to protect myself.
And not to forget the various parents and teachers who helped me da bao dinner and snacks when I am damn busy at work... Sometimes we feel sad because of some people's bad attitude towards us, but there are some other people who give us the strength and hope to push on in the face of troubles. I saw this in a book called <<飞ing>> by a Korean author Park Kwang-soo: "因为人而跌倒。因为人而起来。因为人而感受挫折,因为人而充满希望!"
Well all I can say is 这个世界还是美丽的。
If I can't forgive, I'll try to forget. If I can't forget, I'll just have to read more self-help books. Haha~ I'll learn how to not belittle myself with all the baddies going against me and be brave!
1:07 AM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
You Are 70% Grown Up, 30% Kid |
 Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature. Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed. |
You Are 20% Left Brained, 80% Right Brained |
 The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.
The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
You Probably Look Younger Than Your Age |
 You live a healthy lifestyle and know how to take care of yourself. You'll probably have a youthful glow for many years. |
You Are a Coy Flirt! |
 You're not so much a flirt as the type of girl who draws flirts in While you look like you're just relaxing, secretly you've got your game on A little look here, a little wink there... you give men the encouragement they crave And in return, they flirt up a storm with you - while you just sit and smile |
Guys Like That You're Sensitive |
 And not in that "cry at a drop of a hat" sort of way You just get most guys - even if you're not trying to Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you their secrets No wonder you tend to get close quickly in relationships! |
Yeah fine. I am just bored.
12:25 AM
Monday, March 12, 2007
刚才在车上东想想西想想地,就差一点发了个怪怪的sms给他。幸亏在争扎着是否要按"send" button的当儿,车子已火速脱离了塞车现场,把我送到了车站,也把我送回了现实世界。不然在梦游的我必定会因为自己的冲动行为而感到后悔万分!
唉,早知道会这样就该在很久很久很久很久以前把"THE TRUTH"讲出来咯。
OK OK 是我笨。OK OK 是我没照镜子。 OK OK 是我在做白日梦。
OK OK 是我没胆量。
It's all my fault.
12:16 AM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
曲:石头 词:阿信制作
当时地球还年轻 我们诞生荒凉大海里
演化到了寒武纪 我们长出脊椎和勇气
某天我们开始踩出脚印 学会双手拥抱学会爱情 长出人类的心
啊啊 我要和你
每次诞生 我都要与你相遇
每次轮回 都为你
当时你我都野性 我们学会用火和穴居
後来帝国正崛起 我们战乱之中更相依
某天我们突然回忆过去 我们只是两段平凡基因
啊啊 我要和你一起走过一千个世纪
每次诞生 我都要与你相遇(下一个我也许是人或蚂蚁)
每次轮回 都是为你
啊啊 我要和你一起活过一千个世纪
每次诞生 都只有一个意义 就是和你在一起
直到文明又毁灭 一千世纪後的第一天
伊甸园里肩并肩 我们笑看太阳也熄灭
11:28 AM
Monday, March 05, 2007
在童话很远的世界漂流 完美是个多奢侈的念头
终于搜集够多的伤口 才懂 八十分的幸福已足够
你让我感动是多过心动 踏实却比浪漫来得持久
朋友还在怀疑我的选择 而我 不当仙女已经很久了
我的心 现在瘦瘦的 很容易 就饱了
为了抢快乐 搞得不快乐 为什么人总那么傻呢
我的梦 现在瘦瘦的 一下子 就满了
你的爱或许不是最美的 你的手却很厚 很念旧
你让我感动是多过心动 踏实却比浪漫来得持久
朋友还在怀疑我的选择 而我 不当仙女已经很久了
我的心 现在瘦瘦的 很容易 就饱了
为了抢快乐 搞得不快乐 为什么人总那么傻呢
我的梦 现在瘦瘦的 一下子 就满了
你的爱或许不是最美的 你的手却很厚 很念旧
如果一个人 一辈子 只能分到 一块叫做幸福的蛋糕
宁愿一小口 很小口 品尝味道 不想过瘾的一口吃掉
你让我感动是多过心动 踏实却比浪漫来得持久
朋友还在怀疑我的选择 而我 不当仙女已经很久了
我的心 现在瘦瘦的 很容易 就饱了
为了抢快乐 搞得不快乐 为什么人总那么傻呢
我的梦 现在瘦瘦的 一下子 就满了
你的爱或许不是最美的 你的手却很厚 很念旧
11:11 AM
Friday, March 02, 2007
Some videos to cheer me up before the RELEASE of results.
These are simin's medicine for me.
9:24 AM