Sunday, April 29, 2007


12:25 AM
Friday, April 27, 2007
OMG~ I didn't know my job scope includes the duties of a loanshark. O.o
Well, I have to chase people for money and type reports when they hang up on me when I call them.
It is not the job that I hate, it is the stinging truth of the world that hurts. So many types of people exist in this world! (Or rather just in a mini-teeny-weeny neighbourhood -_-'') And they treat their fellow earthlings (or rather, neighbours) like enemies. First they don't trust each other, then they get suspicious and mistake your good intentions as something offensive.
A:"I just wanna remind u to bring your fees the next time you come for tuition. :) "
(Whee~whee~ red alarm)
B:"Remind?! Why are you forcing me to pay?!"
B:"I refuse to pay!" (snort)
Wahlao eh. 他妈妈烘的大便鸡蛋糕!Really felt like reaching my hand through the phone to strangle her or at least to 赏她一个布满星星的夜空。Remind you still kena bitten by you. Pain one lor. Don't believe huh? I bite back want or not?! Still not automatic de lor, 活了几十岁的安娣竟然不明白什么是欠钱还钱!Somemore I never spell it out straight into her face le lor, give her face she also didn't want... What can I do? What can I do? (Sounds familiar LOLX~)
I still have to act polite throughout the whole thing! She still dare to hang up on me sia. OMG~ She's so damn rude lor. If not for the job I'll be glad to have an exchange programme with her, 现上一连串精彩无比的三字经绕舌秀!
-_-" 真是离谱得好笑。
好一个乱七八糟到不行的怪世界。实在是让我哭笑不得!::shake head::
从现在开始我会open eyes big big, open ears big big. See more more and hear more more. Well, this world is full of clowns man. ::SMIRK::
1:01 AM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
This is for you, beechoo. ^_^ (See? I can rmb ur fav mayday's song! Lolx!)
We'll turn our NTU hostel into Mayday's concert hall! Looking forward to it!
五月天知足常樂10萬人演唱會 之 (心中無別人)
五月天 - 彩虹
A very touching MV, esp after the 2nd chorus.
11:21 AM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
舞娘's dance moves are driving me mad. Wahlao, now my thighs hurt like siao~ The same goes to my arms. T_T
Guess I'll need to go running on my off day liao.
This is my sister's 小羊羊妹妹's solo.
(Many moves are wrong, cuz her hands are quite short. I changed some of the moves abit so that she can dance better... Lolx~)
11:37 AM
Friday, April 20, 2007
哈哈~笑死了! >_<
20070128 娛樂百分百 - 五月天歌唱大賽 (浩角翔起 馬國畢 強辯樂團 小鬼)_partA20070128 娛樂百分百 - 五月天歌唱大賽 (浩角翔起 馬國畢 強辯樂團 小鬼)_partB20070128 娛樂百分百 - 五月天歌唱大賽 (浩角翔起 馬國畢 強辯樂團 小鬼)_partC20070128 娛樂百分百 - 五月天歌唱大賽 (浩角翔起 馬國畢 強辯樂團 小鬼)_partD信導dv自拍篇 (五月天復出)五月天_阿信_綜藝最愛憲_如花 (A)五月天_阿信_綜藝最愛憲_如花 (B)PENG!!!
11:42 AM
Hey I know it's tough. But we gotta be stronger and wiser.
Ganbatte! ^^
Des'ree Lyrics - You Gotta Be Lyrics
Artist: Des'ree Lyrics
Song: You Gotta Be Lyrics
Listen as your day unfolds
Challenge what the future holds
Try and keep your head up to the sky
Lovers, they may cause you tears
Go ahead release your fears
Stand up and be counted
Don't be ashamed to cry
You gotta be
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard
You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day
Herald what your mother said
Readin' the books your father read
Try to solve the puzzles in your own sweet time
Some may have more cash than you
Others take a different view
My oh my heh, hey
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard
You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day
Don't ask no questions, it goes on without you
Leaving you behind if you can't stand the pace
The world keeps on spinning
You can't stop it, if you try to
This time it's danger staring you in the face
Oh oh oh Remember
Listen as your day unfolds
Challenge what the future holds
Try and keep your head up to the sky
Lovers, they may cause you tears
Go ahead release your fears
My oh my heh, hey, hey
You gotta be
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard
You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard
You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day
1:28 AM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
They deserve more than a thousand minutes of silence from us.
There were stories of heroism in this tragedy. No matter whether the heroes are dead or alive now, I salute them with my greatest respect. Their acts of selflessness and bravery will never be forgotten.
"There were stories of heroism. Students of Liviu Librescu, an engineering science and mechanics lecturer, say he blocked the door of his classroom with his body to protect those inside. Librescu, 76, was a Holocaust survivor.
Ryan Clark, a popular and gregarious member of the Marching Virginians band, was just weeks away from graduation. A resident adviser on the fourth floor of the West Ambler Johnston dorm, Clark came to the aid of a student the morning of April 16. It cost him his life."
Read about the Virginia Tech massacre's victims
Read about the murderer's (Cho Seung-Hui, age 23) final message
9:58 AM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I LOVE ARTS CENTRAL!!!!!!!! >_< Watched their programs from Monday to Friday... I am addicted to their list of programmes!!!
Mon: Mosaic Monday, 10pmWatched every single episode of
"Do not disturb". 2 thumbs up! ^^ Love the first episode! Lol, I'll remember Room 545 of the budget hotel!
"Shot like mini art-house films, with each episode set in the exact same hotel room, Do Not Disturb takes a voyeuristic look at what unfolds between seven couples behind closed doors, presenting heartfelt, in-depth and sometimes hilarious stories of the inevitabilities and complexities of relationships between a man and a woman in contemporary Singapore."
Tues: Brainac, 10pm
Watched this program before. But it's still VERY interesting. It is learning science through abusing science. If you love explosions and experiments, you must watch it! And it's 100% fun and educational! E.g. wad is the best and fastest ways to write lines? They did an experiment using different ways to write 100lines and the answer is to write them properly --just write line by line. (-_-'') Lolx~ It will definitely take a longer time otherwise.
"Brainiac is the show that squares up to science and says, 'Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough'. It's a unique beast - part science, part stunts - all mental. Each and every week we'll bring you all that's weird, wonderful and wild in the world of science, served up with a healthy dollop of explosions, pyrotechnics and anything else we can get our hands on - legally or illegally! Our intrepid presenter, and sidekicks, will risk eyebrows and fingertips in a selfless quest to further scientific knowledge."
Watched it last night. Fell in love with Damien Rice's music! And live music is very different from cd music. The feel is very wonderful! ^^
-- Watch them in the SnapShot Preview Windows! ^_^
"Live From Abbey Road is creatively ambitious, set to break new ground for music on television and aims to sound like an album and look like a movie. Each 60 minute show has three artists, there is no studio audience and no host, but features each musician speaking about their work, and showing behind the scenes footage of the musicians working on their performance and leading to the performance. Shot with 35mm lenses in the intimacy of the famous Studios 1 & 2 at Abbey Road, the recordings are designed to look like succinct music movies, giving a personal insight direct into the mystical world of music and its makers."
My FAVOURITE programme! 2 words: WATCH IT!
Well, you'll never see Earth like this ever again ^_~
She is indeed very beautiful.
“…sure to be the most dramatic and talked-about TV event of the year … it might not be an overstatement to suggest that this series is so breathtaking that some viewers could find themselves at serious risk of respiratory failure. ” Michael Holden, Mail On Sunday

Our Earth. Treasure her.
11:30 AM
Monday, April 16, 2007
This is the best friend whom I've known for my whole life.
Well, this is what we usually do when we get bored.
Some of the pictures are pretty scary and ugly, but we just don't care! ^_~
Lolx~ FUN! ^^
I love my 妹妹!
11:23 AM
Friday, April 13, 2007
城外 作詞:周煒傑 作曲:蔡旻佑 編曲:洪信傑
你的 愛情像是一座堡壘 好多士兵在防衛 這樣的和平太狼狽 難道你不覺得累
城外面我就快要崩潰 城裡你不了解 狂風中飄著我的眼淚 你有沒有感覺
我的 傷口早已經無所謂 醒了依然繼續追 前線上絕對不撤退 儘管寂寞太漆黑
城外面我被重重包圍 會不會閉上眼 戰火裡我沒有了知覺 也忘了你是誰
10:14 AM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Was listening to a mix of music this morning after waking up from a very scary dream.
Today's dream spoke of my fear. This is what I learnt from my dream: Love is a gift, no matter whether you are the one receiving it, or the one giving it. Before it's time to open this present, I shall refrain from shaking the box because it may be easily broken.
"Love, you know, seeks to make happy rather than to be happy. " --Ralph Connor
Yah, so it doesn't really matter how terrible I may feel now. The most important is to know that he's feeling happy and is living well now! ^^ That'll be enough.
现在的我还能承担内伤。等到有一天累积满了,他也该找到另一个他很欣赏的人了吧。 而我……
很有可能会继续默默想念。(-_-''' anti-climax sia)
没关系!没关系!I can still take it. As long as he's happy, I'll be ok. Lolx~ (O.o sounds like self-destruction! LOLX)
MUST STAY HAPPY ARH YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
In the meantime I'll just shut up about my desires (haha, to love without having any desire e.g. to be loved in return). So he'll never know and feel vexed about it. It'll be very unfair for him to know tt someone of DUH-quality is admiring him. Lolx~ ::苦笑::
::加油 T.G.! 找回你的 Lost Wisdom!:: YESH!!!!!~~
10:28 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
你說我是朋友之類 人言可畏不想被人誤會 我看我更像救傷隊 隨時準備不遲到早退 感情不就是一人收一人給 總是有人要吃虧 也許我就是缺乏一點智慧 面對你 我總口是心非
我們日日夜夜都在愛著誰 閉上眼睛感覺你就在(我)周圍 愛不進則退 在你的心外圍 陪著你 我多麼的狼狽
我們日日夜夜都在想著誰 在誰身邊守護著徹夜不歸 你需要安慰 我陪你掉眼淚 愛你我怎麼這樣迂回 愛不進則退 在你的心外圍 陪著你 我多麼的狼狽
10:40 AM
Listened to eileen's ipod today. She was trying to cheer me up... so sweet of her.
She introduced some v nice songs to me: Ryuichi Sakamoto's songs. Whoa, I listened till more depressed sia. Hahaha~ He's a real talent lo. I linked the songs at the side under the music segment le, try listening to it! Damn nice!! ("Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence" & "Furyo")
I linked Orange Range's song and SR 71's song as well (introduced by Kenneh). Enjoy! ^^
Kingdom Hearts- Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence
12:25 AM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Was online chatting with Serene last night.
Haha, finally there's someone who understands! Woot!~ She's the only clever one~
We chatted for quite a while, and most of the time we were scolding, "stupig!", "dumb!", "idiot!", "wols!", "blur!"... Hahax~ At least there's someone to share it with, if not i will surely explode! Lolx~
11:07 AM
Monday, April 09, 2007
I am forever LAG~ X_X (esp at posting pictures)
The quality of the pictures are not tt good, cuz I took them from the pictures that I had taken 4 years ago (with a v bad camera somemore).

Bro4 Sis3 Graduation Day 2004


Bro4 Sis3 bond
11:32 AM
Sunday, April 08, 2007
... ...
OMG. 会永远这样吗?!
... ...
Haha. "What can I do anyway?" ::苦笑::
12:10 AM
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Trust me.
This is the scariest thing I've ever seen.
12:05 PM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
To all my 姐妹们 who are on the same 贼船 as me, take a look at this hilarious blog archive dated Nov27 2006, Sunday, titled "Misrepresented". Read the comments too, darlings.
And please do read the following article. We'll see how the definition of "successful" differs from one person to another. But there's one thing for sure. The stuff reported are only those that they want the world to see. Well, we know much more right?
Well, although her achievements seem really alot as compared to ours, we can proudly say that every little thing that we've done so far in life is answerable to our own conscience. 加油!加油!加油!
10:20 AM
Surprisingly, my friend's friend's blog is addictive in its own depressing way.
Well I guess she'll need this MV alot. Hehheh. This is my fav MV that I watch when I am feeling depressed~ Just hope that while natural calamities had snatched the smiles away from their victims' faces, they didn't take away their faith and the strength to stand up as well. (Yes, I am still referring to the Solomon Islands)
To all my friends, I give you my love and the most sincere wish that you will stay strong in the face of any challenges that may come our way in this journey of growing up.
Enjoy the MV bah! (Enjoy my idol's singing too! ^^)
人生海海 - 五月天
有一天我在想我到底算是个什么东西 还是我会不会根本就不算东西 天天都漫无目的偏偏又想要证明真理 别人从屁股放屁我却每天每天都说要革命
就算是整个世界把我抛弃 而至少快乐伤心我自己决定 所以我说就让他去我知道潮落之后一定有潮起 有什么了不起
常常我豁出去拚了命走过却没有痕迹 可是我从不怕挖出我火热的心 手上有一个硬币反面就决定放弃嗝屁 但是啊在我心底却完完全全不想放弃
常常我闭上眼睛听到了海的呼吸是你 温柔的蓝色潮汐告诉我没有关系 就算真的整个世界把我抛弃 而至少快乐伤心我自己决定 所以我说就让他去我知道潮落之后一定有潮起 我不能忘记无论是我的明天要去哪里 而至少快乐伤心我自己决定所以我说就让他去 我知道潮落之后一定有潮起有什么了不起 啦啦啦啦啦啦 明天我在哪里~~~
1:01 AM
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Well, I read my friend's friend's blog again and came to a conclusion with an uncontrollable laugh.
"Ha! She's mad!"
That's no wonder she keeps confusing herself with all those weird thinking of hers. On the surface she's someone who thinks deeply( and apparently, pessimistically,) into the meaning of life, but the truth is that she isn't really searching for the gist of life, but more for her own sanity.
No offence meant, but erm, I seriously think that she needs a trip to a psychologist. I don't mind giving her a free treatment too.
And shame on her for being such a loser when she has already got a guide in life.
Why would someone think of such stupid questions to make herself feel depressed when there are more important things in the world that need our attention? Why would someone even care about stupid questions like why humans regret when somewhere at the other end of the world is experiencing natural disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes? (Yep, I am still very affected by today's news about the earthquake & tsunami at the Solomon islands. So please don't blame me for being so biased & harsh.)
Shame on her. Really.
Well, I understand that everyone has his problems and it's unfair to accuse someone of being obsessed with his own negative thinking (& emotions) when he is already feeling vexed.
But she's just drowning herself in her own world. I bet she's already used to struggling in her rough sea of emotions and it has became a habit to shout for help without even wanting to climb into a lifeboat (already in front of her) by herself. Yeah, go on waiting for your "special one" to haul you onto the lifeboat bah, go on dreaming about getting a new relationship which can brainwash the previous unhappy relationship from your brain. Go on dreaming and deliver your tragic soliloquy on your blog! (What a shame to us women... We are supposed to be stronger de lor.)
Well, I don't really care about such lousy characters already. I have no interest in someone who likes to exaggerate, of all things, her own depression. I would rather read more geo stuff about the huge tsunami that hit the South Pacific this time. This looks so much more like a (serious) tragedy as compared to some forlorn girl weeping about her lost love (which may not be erm, love after all).
OMG~ She mentioned about having a secret admirer! (Wow, if she has A secret admirer, then I will have A DOZEN of secret admirers lo! ::sarcastic laugh::) I seriously hope that her secret-admirer is not my friend!!! That will be soooooo...................... Erm well, can't find the word to slot into the sentence. But if she dare suck that beautiful (& optimistic) soul out of my friend, I WILL SEND MY PATRONUS CHARGING TOWARDS HER! (I DON'T CARE OK! But then it's not my business actually. Haha. Uh well.)
Which brings me to my next point. Harry Potter Book 7 is COMING OUT SOON! So is the movie for book 5! So is the third movie of the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy! So is my Mayday concert! So is my freedom from the huge bird cage! (120days!) Look! There are so many things to look forward to! Life is so beautiful! ^_^ (Awwwwwwww~~~~)
As for the potential death-eater's blog... I shall just visit it occasionally to practise the art of smirking.
12:13 AM