Wednesday, May 30, 2007
12:40 AM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Lolx~ Read my gluttony-twin's blog just now... very emo sia~
To my shower-mate (we shower togther in school after every pe lesson! IN DIFFERENT CUBICLES.) -cum-gluttony-twin-cum-music-ka-kee-cum-xiao-shuo-mate-cum-maths-partner-library-partner-cum-com-lab-twin-cum-best-pw-mate:
WAHLAO, CHEER UP LA! If the sky ever falls just treat it as a big big blanket! If you cannot tahan, I help u tahan the burden! "I can't carry the ring for you, but I can carry you!" This was what Sam said to Frodo while they were making their way up the huge huge volcano in the last of the trilogy. Frodo was damned tired and couldn't continue liao, so Sam piggy-backed Frodo!
Xiaobai and I will be cheering you on! And good luck! ^__^ GO! GO! GO!
(Anw, good luck to your computer also... must send to ER liao isit... LOL!)
11:50 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Soul Calibur 3 - Kilik - Ending B
This is the arcade game tt simin and I are obssessed with! It's Simin's Kilik and my Xianghua!
Aww~ so cute la! Soul Calibur! LUV!!!
If we have a chance of living together in the hall we'll get a Xbox! And fight! LOL!
Soul Calibur 2 Girl Music Video
MY XIANGHUA (in red robe)!!!
Gals rule! ^_~
11:17 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
I'll save $$$ and buy a mp3. Plug the ear phones into my ears, close my eyes, read the lyrics in my mind and remember only the melodies. Shall not think about other stuff. Just let me be alone for now. Don't wave if you see me on the street today. I don't know you. I just erased my memories. And I don't want it back... at least for the moment.
10:33 AM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Just came back from dinner (yes, not supper) to celebrate Su ah pek's birthday. As usual, everyone was late so I just hung around the Heartland mall to shop for cheapo stuff before going to the cd shop on the top floor to indulge myself in the loud BOOMING music played in there (I was attracted by S.H.E's song "mayday" la haha... I WILL INSTALL HI-FI SYSTEM IN MY FUTURE HOUSE!).
Went to the arcade in the shopping mall opposite my house with Simin at around 11am and fought till 3.30pm... My Xianghua became the "Platinum soldier of Cerebus", while Simin's Kilik upgraded to "Platinum soldier of the Furies". Lolx~ Addicted to SOUL CALIBRE version2!
Then we went to AMK Hub for our manicure. Wahlao, I chose the wrong colour lor, but Serene, Peishan and Simin kept reassuring me that "It's ok la!"... -_-" Uh well. Shall try the french manicure the next time. Hahaha~ Very ex sia.
Hmm... then I left Simin and went to Kovan to meet up with my JC clique. Su ah pek was very suay today, he kena car accident on the way to our meeting place lor, then the taxi driver wanted him to be his witness cuz the other car's owner wanted the taxi driver to pay for the dunno wad mirror the taxi banged into. Duh. It's a suay day for him.
In the end we met up at this very nice club/restuarant/cafe at the hougang CC for our dinner. The ambience is damn good! And they have live band singing outdoors de (although for some of the songs, they zao xia quite terribly). V cool. Should bring my other cliques there the next time.
Huifang didn't turn up cuz she was very tired after the SGC thingy in school... Missed her ALOT. T_T' But it's ok la, as long as she gets her rest. There's always next time when we can all meet and chat till no day no night... Haha!
That Su ah pek is still as childish as ever la. And he was boasting about having the whole set of doraemon magnets already. Fine lor, u win la. :P
And introducing B1 and B2!! The bananas! Ok cuz they were both wearing yellow -_-'' and so they gave themselves this nickname. (Peishan on the left and Serene on the right. I left Su ah pek out cuz it'll spoil the whole picture. Sorry hor yanxing. :P I was the one behind the camera, of cos!)

Ok la, these are 2 very cute girl girls la... Hahaha....
Had a nice dinner tonight! Now going to orh orh liao, if not I'll have to see the parents and students through my panda eyes le... Hehhehheh~
Ohya, happy birthday to yanxing! Will get you a 竹蜻蜓 for your next birthday. If it cannot work then it must be that you are too heavy le hahaha~ (I just enjoy suaning you... :P)
ChEeRX everyone! Looking forward to the free waffles Su ah pek promised us! ^__^
12:33 AM
Friday, May 18, 2007

"Hello, I'm Greenie. Click on me to know how pathetically accepted I am."
10:21 AM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Lol I just woke up. Had a very long weird dream. Think I am just tired ba.
Yay! Tmr is my off day! It's Simin's off day too! She finally got it changed with Yixian so that we can go out to watch movies (esp this month and next month) and play arcade Soul calibre 2 near my house. Think my jc clique is celebrating Su ah pek's birthday tmr night. Should get wad for him ne? Doraemon stuff i think he'll have alot le, music albums the other friends may have gotten for him le... Haha, should just leave the present buying decision to Serene!
扁担宽 板凳长 扁担想绑在板凳上
哥哥弟弟坡前坐 坡上卧著一只鹅
坡下流著一条河 哥哥说 宽宽的河
弟弟说 白白的鹅 鹅要过河 河要渡鹅 不知是那鹅过河 还是河渡鹅
呵呵呵呵~有空就rap一rap吧! (I can still rmb Jinglun saying "pass up bio lab, go to maths worksheet"!)
Looking forward to 放工 tonight! Have one whole day to rest before me!
11:43 AM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
我也没办法啊!谁叫你这么爱运动,总爱在我脑海里跑来跑去!>_< 滚开啦!
1:14 AM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
五月的天 刚诞生的夏天
我们之间 才完成的爱恋
五月的天 梦开始要鲜艳
前方蜿蜒 一长串的心愿
蘇打綠 小情歌 mv 完整版
Wahlao, he sings the pitch so high sia.
11:40 AM
Monday, May 14, 2007
OMG, this is for you YC. I'll have to wait for another 8-19 days before I'll know if i got kena or not. Plus a kid who had just recovered from chicken pox just came back for tuition and kept talking to me... LOLX~
Hahaha~ If really kena also good la. ::ducks from flying shoe:: That means will be less likely to catch it.
11:35 AM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Watched Spiderman3 @ Suntec with simin, yuchuan, gabriel and the 11-year-old gregory.
(^__^) It was a GREAT movie!
Hmm, in real life we can't really differentiate the good and bad from just the looks.
Black suit spiderman = bad, red suit spiderman = good. Haha, abit ridiculous sia.
Well, what matters is the heart. (Or just as how our dear Captain Jack has put it, the "thump-thump".)
We have the choice to become either angels or devils, and we have the choice to forgive or take revenge. It all points down to our art of forgiveness, our unique human culture. Before we forgive anyone else, we must start from the most difficult stage, that is to forgive ourselves for being so unforgiving in the first place.
Lolx~ Shall stop this forgiveness theory thingy. ^__^'''
The action parts are shiok! But the scene with the sandman trying to catch the flying skateboard-machine reminded me of a Quidditch game. The flying skateboard looked like a whizzing snitch! Lol~ And it looked like some wizard on a broom dodging a buldger (the sandman's giant fist) as well.
Uh well, I am obsessed with Harry. No, not the spidey's best friend, I'm referring to Mr Potter. And I am obsessed with Captain Jack and his trip to Singapore. I am so going to watch them! Excited! Rojak sia, spidey plus harry plus jack. (Scary Movie Version XYZ??!) Hahahaha~
As usual, I couldn't tahan the sandman's father-daughter-kinship part and ya, cried abit lor. So touching!!! T_T I love my papa! Ok, I love my mummy too, today's mothers' day anw! ^_^
Happy Mothers' Day! Happy Birthday to Gregory! Happy Birthday to Simin! Happy Birthday to Su Ah Pek! Happy Birthday to my papa!
There will be a BIG BIG hole in my pocket this month. Hehhehheh~
12:42 AM
Friday, May 11, 2007
This is for you AMK XIE!!! ^_^
许茹芸_射雕英雄传片尾曲 真情真美
12:45 PM
因为人们都把它看得太重,所以不管是勇敢现身或是保持隐形状态,“自由”都无法得到很好的对待。 它在思考:人们到底是欢迎我,还是排斥我?
我们不应该害怕“自由”的庞大,因为不管怎样“自由”只不过是一块需要我们学习准确拿捏的玩具粘土。它是我们从小就拥有的,不应该觉得陌生。We are all born to be free! Wheee~~
总之……不用担心啦!“自由”是再简单不过的了!(真搞不清楚自己在装什么哲学咧 -_-'')
加油啊!My fellow kites!

10:21 AM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
The good and bad characteristics of Aquarians!
^___^ Interesting comparisons!

10:58 AM
Monday, May 07, 2007
Was extremely tired for the past few days.
Went to celebrate dearie Simin's birthday in the morning at klunch @ amk after banking in $$ for the tuition centre and visiting the newly opened AMK tuition branch @ AMK hub. Omg lor, the AMK hub was v cold! Then we went back to NYJC to get my testimonial and stuff from the office. Bumped into Serene, Guosheng and Melissa, they were looking for Wu Laoshi as well. Then we couldn't find Mr Quek (our principal) to sign my testimonial, which means I might have to go back another day to get it for my NIE interview. T_T Just b4 we decided to give up (we searched the whole college ok?!), we spotted him and went "GASP!" and kind of scared him with that sudden exclaimation.
Us: (walking up the stairs and saw him) GASP!
Quek: (O.o ???!) (walked backwards to face us) Huh? You are ex-students isit? Who are you looking for?
Quek: You need me to sign the testimonial is it? You have to wait first, I need to get smth from my car... (scuttled off)
Lol, of course I'll have to ask him politely to sign the documents for me la... Hahaha... So lucky tt day! ^^ (except the part where I scanned my ez-link card at the exit while alighting bus 105. I forgot I paid my fare by cash lor, then the bus uncle was laughing at me when the machine went "beep beep beep beep beep". -_-'' Fine.)
We went to compasspoint afterwards to shop for Simin's work clothes, haha I like dolling my best friend up for her work! Simin had to meet huifang for dinner so I went home at evening. Slept v late tt night, all thx to my sister. -_-'' Aagrh.
Woke up @ 6am to give tuition teacher morning call so tt he wun be late for his class. Felt as if I was floating around for that whole day. Skipped lunch again. Taught Si Ling some Maths when she was waiting for her class. Developed serious headache at late afternoon. Typed attendance lists at ultra speed but still couldn't finish. Went to the library aft work to unwind and looked for books on goldfishes for Papa. Slept at 2am after watching “见鬼” , cuz my sister was too scared after the movie and kept pestering me until she scared dao go find mummy in the other room and kena scolded.
Woke up at 7am for morning shift. The sliding door of one of the classrooms was stuck and one parent and teacher (Phonics class) were stuck in there. The toddler (the mother's 2nd child. Her older son, our student, went to the toilet and wasn't aware of the whole thing) cried LOUDLY as she was outside the room and her mummy was trapped inside. I CANNOT HANDLE CRYING TODDLERS! In the end it was the usually 满嘴脏话 & very clumsy Felix who consoled the kid and held her hand throughout the whole thing while Mr Chia (another tuition teacher) came to help force the door open.
Toddler: Waa!~~ Waa!~~ Mummy!!~ WAAAAAAAA!~~
Felix: (sayang sayang, use tissue paper to help dry the mei mei's tears) 没有事的,没有事的。不用怕。 Mummy 一下子就出来了。不要哭 不要哭……
Toddler: (cool down abit, stared innocently @ Felix) (Cried until choked dao) Cough!
Felix: (Mental shoutout: wahlao) Aiyo, 她 coughed 在我的脸上!
Toddler: (gg to cry again, building momentum)
Felix: O.o OK! OK! Kkkkkkk!!!~~
Felix, Wei Ren, Rui Xiang: (squatted in front of meimei and used tissue papers to dry her tears at the same time) Don't cry don't cry~
Toddler: (Cooled down for a moment cuz she was very confused at the scene whereby three big kor-kors are squatting in front of her and dabbing her v wet face with ALOT of tissue papers)
[Background: "Push 上去才slide!因为这边stuck住liao!" "Oy 不可以咧!Cannot open!"]
In the end one student from another English class came out to help. He v cool sia, just came out, put his hands on the door, pushed upwards, slided it to the left then ok liao. HOhoho~ I am so stupig sia. -_-'''
And there are a few v boliao Sec1 guys who just couldn't keep quiet in the centre, I had to use a feather duster to control them! O.o OMG. I feel old. They boliao until they went to the classroom with the faulty door and trapped their friends inside for fun. THEY DID IT TWICE IN half an hour! I gave up and said sarcastically "take ur time take ur time."
Then I shouted: "GET OUT OF MY CENTRE! NOW!"
Hahahahahahaha. Of cos, they shocked dao la. Cuz I always buddy buddy with them now suddenly shouted at them. They knew I was angry liao and thus siamed automatically. Then they came back and tried to get into good terms with me again. OMG. This group of guys... -_-'''
Was really tired for the whole of last week.
This is a brand new week. I have an interview this Fri and a whole new week with catering food for dinner to look forward to! ^^ Finally I don't have to skip dinner and go straight to supper at night! Hurray!
Heehee. ^^

The lucky meimei who had 3 korkors consoling her on Sunday
10:30 AM