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me, myself

sushi* sclera* teddy*
gluttony* laogong*(to wy and st)
Aquarian 1st Feb
Tarot and Astrology*
Geography* Nature*
Literature* Fanfiction*
Mayday* Orange Range*
The Brilliant Green*
Pop* Rock* R&B*

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

wishlist 2007

Pass Maths
Pass all my A & AO level subjects
Get into NUS or NTU
Get into uni & ideal course
Earn ALOT of $$$
stay happy & healthy
Widen social circle
family & friends to be glad and well
Sister to do well in O'levels

Wisdom ^__^**

There is only one happiness in life:
to love and be loved.
--George Sand



Counting down!




Simin's Card Inspiration
Ah Bob daddy
Mayday official site
Radioblog club!!!




October 2005 [ X ]
November 2005 [ X ]
December 2005 [ X ]
January 2006 [ X ]
February 2006 [ X ]
March 2006 [ X ]
April 2006 [ X ]
May 2006 [ X ]
June 2006 [ X ]
July 2006 [ X ]
August 2006 [ X ]
September 2006 [ X ]
October 2006 [ X ]
November 2006 [ X ]
December 2006 [ X ]
January 2007 [ X ]
February 2007 [ X ]
March 2007 [ X ]
April 2007 [ X ]
May 2007 [ X ]
June 2007 [ X ]
July 2007 [ X ]

Sunday, July 08, 2007





1:49 AM

Monday, July 02, 2007

July is always the month for oldies for me! ^_^

Time to replay 2 of my favourites: The Police's "Ever breath you take"~

And ABBA's "S.O.S"~ WOO!~


11:04 AM

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

五月天-- 能不能不要说

昨天的夜裡我夢到彩虹 乘著船 到了盡頭

有一個寶箱上面刻著青春 打開了 裡面空空 (-_-)''

第一次 不記得什麼時候 有沒有 握他的手

第一次 不需要想得太多 跟著感覺走就不會錯

能不能 不要說 你想要的是什麼

能不能 就愛我 不要問我為什麼

十八歲的第一口啤酒 火箭發射 轟隆隆隆

離開了那個擁擠的星球 飛向那 燦爛星空

回頭看昨天苦苦的寂寞 突然間 像一個夢 (O_o)

第一次 不記得什麼時候 有沒有 握她的手

第一次 你應該也有感動 如果愛我就應該給我

能不能 不要說 你想要的是什麼

能不能 就愛我 不要問我為什麼

十八歲的第一口啤酒 火箭發射 轟隆隆隆

(伊甸園裡偷吃了蘋果 天旋地轉 登陸月球)

能不能 不要說 其實我不是不懂

能不能 就愛我 然後不要太囉唆

青春的滋味嚐的不夠 沒有瘋狂 怎麼能算活過

(長大換來良心的沉默 所以我要 永遠是現在的我) \(>_<)/

得到容易 擁有太多 難就難在放手

在那之前 在那之前 我要盡情享受

第一次 不記得什麼時候有沒有 握他的手

第一次 不需要想得太多 如果你愛我就應該給我


12:02 PM

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


丢掉手表 丢外套 丢掉背包 再丢唠叨

丢掉电视 丢电脑 丢掉大脑 再丢烦恼

冲啥大 冲啥小 冲啥都有人唱反调

恨的多 爱的少 只想越跳越疯越跳越高 把地球甩掉

一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉

我再也不要 再也不要 委屈自己一秒

一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉

我甩掉地球地球甩掉 只要越跳越高

丢掉手表 丢外套 丢掉背包 再丢唠叨

丢掉电视 丢电脑 丢掉大脑 再丢烦恼

野心大 胆子小 跳舞还要靠别人跳

恨的多 爱的少 只想越跳越疯越跳越高 把地球甩掉

一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉

我再也不要 再也不要 委屈自己一秒

一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉

我甩掉地球地球甩掉 只要越跳越高

我甩掉地球地球甩掉 只要越跳越高 Come on!

一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉

我再也不要 再也不要 委屈自己一秒

一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉

我甩掉地球地球甩掉 只要越跳越高

我甩掉地球地球甩掉 只要越跳越高 Come on! JUMP! JUMP!

10:31 AM

Monday, June 18, 2007

25 smses from him, 25 smses from her, 2 calls from her.

These are the ingredients for one to start and end a relationship within 6hrs in a day.

Well, of cos it still includes something else.


Well the place in her heart was already koped by someone else. Even a newfound bf couldn't snatch it away.

Now she knows how 小龙女 felt when she was at the 绝情谷。



If only he knows.

11:39 PM

MY NEW IDOL!! LOL! Cool sia!

11:58 AM

Brought my zhengers to kovan for dinner on Saturday. We finally met up after 6 long months! The last time we saw each other was during Xmas presents exchange last year. All 4 of us turned up for dinner on Sat wor! Yay!

Me and Shuhui comparing whose upper thigh is slimmer. In the end, each of the thigh we contributed to this picture somehow gave others the idea that the two thighs belong to the same person! Hehheh~

Stage 1: Initial blurriness

Stage 2: 干杯 with each other

Stage 3: Unconsciousness
(note the fallen glass in front of my xiao laopo on the left)

This is the power of alcohol! (And even worse if you treat it like some apple juice and use STRAW to suck it up from the glass like how we did.) Good thing that these 2 laopos of mine woke up pretty fast after tt. If not I would have to carry them home! And shuhui dear will be jealous of them. Hahaha! Had a great time that night. Love my zheng-ers! ^_^

And I went back to ZHSS with Simin for fun. Guess what we saw on the noticeboard outside the general office!


Simin and I were so HIGH! And so proud of Momo! And we kept smiling and talking about it even after we left the school to go to the comic shop at the interchange~ Aiyo so dman proud of momo! :) Heehee~
The last 40 smth days for me! Chiong arh!~

10:15 AM

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What You Really Think Of Your Friends

Min Min is your soulmate.

You truly love ME.

You consider Ai Ai your true friend.

You know that Huiyi is always thinking of you.

You'll remember Chuan Chuan for the rest of your life.

You secretly think Momo is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.

You secretly think that Gabo is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.

You secretly think that Peishan is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Peishan changes lovers faster than underwear.

You secretly think Serene is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Serene has a hidden internet romance.

What Do You Think of Your Friends?
Erm. Weird results.
Ok, I don't mind Minmin as my soulmate, we are gg to live tgth anw haha; YES I LOVE MYSELF; AiAi IS my true friend, just a little busy at times; my sister is always thinking of me cuz she had spent the whole of her life (till now) sleeping in the same room and living under the same roof as me; Yeah, I hope to rmb chuanchuan for the rest of my life, so it's ok la; Momo IS creative and charming, BUT DRAMATIC?! That's a little weird. Gabo a risk-taker? Hmm... Well I dunno how fast Peishan changes her underwear. -_-'' Serene IS shy, but I don't think she has a "hidden internet romance" with any other person apart from me.
Conclusion: I am bored ttx why I took this test la.
The last 48 and a half days! Chiong arh!

11:48 AM

Saturday, June 09, 2007



(I need sleep sia. X_X)

6:21 PM

Friday, June 08, 2007















Gone with the wind.

11:39 PM

Thursday, June 07, 2007

You Are a Jelly Donut

So you're a little rounder than most folks - but it's only in the right places!

You maintain a clean exterior, even if you're all messy on the inside.

You think you're the best, and that's mostly true...

But remember, you're just an empty shell without your jelly!

What Donut Are You?

HA! Yeah right.

You Are a Great Liar

You can pretty much pull anything over on anyone.

You are an expert liar, even if you don't lie very often.

Are You a Good Liar?


You Should Rule Saturn

Saturn is a mysterious planet that can rarely be seen with the naked eye.

You are perfect to rule Saturn because like its rings, you don't always follow the rules of nature.

And like Saturn, to really be able to understand you, someone delve beyond your appearance.

You are not an easy person to befriend. However, once you enter a friendship, you'll be a friend for life.

You think slowly but deeply. You only gain great understanding after a situation has past.

What Planet Should You Rule?

Which means I am WOLS.

You Can Make 74% of Your Crushes Fall in Love With You

Your seduction skills are practically legendary. You know how to close the deal.

Just don't let someone you're really into get the better of you!

As long as you keep up your end of the flirting game, you'll get the prize at the end.

Can You Make Anyone Fall in Love With You?

HA! Great. Then why am I still dealing with the remaining 26%? Haiz. This is depressing.

You Are 18 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

What Age Do You Act?

Thank goodness. I am acting my age (actually 1 year younger than my actual age lah). Which means I can continue enjoying the arcades! WOO!~

11:10 AM

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

[Barbossa is giving orders and Jack repeats the order]
Barbossa: What arr you doin'?
Jack Sparrow: What are YOU doin'?
Barbossa: No, what ARR you doin'?
Jack Sparrow: What are YOU doin'?
Barbossa: NO! What ARR you doin'?
Jack Sparrow: What are YOU doin'? ...Captain gives orders on the ship.
Barbossa: The Captain of the ship IS givin' orders.
Jack Sparrow: My ship, makes me Captain.
Barbossa: They be my charts!
Jack Sparrow: Well that makes you... Chartman.
Pintel: Stow it! Both of you! That's an order! Understand?!
[Jack and Barbossa stare at him]
Pintel: ...Sorry. I just thought with the Captain issue in doubt, I'd throw my name in for consideration... sorry.
Ragetti: [to Pintel] I'd vote for you.
Pintel: Yeah?

[After Flying Dutchman attacks the Empress]
Sao Feng:Forgive me. . .Calypso.
[One of Feng's crew mates comes in and realizes what has happened]
Crew Mate:What did tell you?
Elizabeth:He made me Captain[Holding Feng's piece of eight]
[The two walk out as the Dutchman's crew takes over and Elizabeth and crew member are held hostage]
Crew Mate:You are not my Captain!
[Jones walks up to the crew mate as Elizabeth is taken down to the deck with the rest of the members]
Davy Jones:Who is your Captain?
Crew Mate:She is![Pointing at Elizabeth]

[Will asks Elizabeth to marry him during a life and death battle]
Will Turner: I've made my choice, what's yours?
Elizabeth Swann: Barbossa.
[Will gives her a confused look]
Elizabeth Swann: Barbossa! Marry us!
Barbossa: [fighting off Davy Jones' crew] I'm a little busy at the moment!
Will Turner: Now Barbossa!
Barbossa: Fine then! [climbs up on a ledge] Dearly Beloved, we be gathered here today... [continues fighting]
Will Turner: Elizabeth, do you take me to be your husband?
Elizabeth Swann: I do...
Will Turner: Great!
Elizabeth Swann: [fights] Will Turner, do you take me to be yor wife... in sickness and in health with health being the less likely.
Will Turner: I do.
Barbossa:As captain I now pronounce you...(fights off enemy) You may kiss- [fights off enemy] You may kiss- [fights off another enemy] ...Just kiss!

[After winning the climactic battle, Jack and Gibs stand at the helm]
Jack: Mr. Gibbs, you may throw my hat for that. [gives Gibbs his hat]
Gibbs: Aye, AYE Captain! [throws hat] Hooray!!
Jack: [pause] ...Now go get it.

Jack Sparrow: Ladies! Will you please shut it? Listen to me. Yes, I lied to you. No, I don't love you. That corset makes you look fat. I've never been to Brussels. It is pronounced "egregious". By the way, no, I've never met Pizzaro but I love his pies. And all of this pales to utter insignificance in the light that my ship is, once again, gone. Savvy?
[Giselle slaps Jack]
[Scarlett slaps Jack]
[Jack slaps Gibbs]
[Gibbs glares at Jack and then he and Jack smile at each other]
Gibbs: Take what you can.
Jack Sparrow: Give nothing back.
[Gibbs catches up with Giselle and Scarlett and puts his arms around them]
Gibbs: Ladies, what do you know of sea turtles?

I am obsessed with PoTC! >_<
Jack Sparrow: (after the real Jack has left the cell) I miss him already.
Jack Sparrow: He is quite charming, isn't he?
Jack Sparrow: Nobody move!... I've dropped me brain!

10:59 AM

You Are 4: The Individualist

You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.

You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.

You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.

Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.

At Your Best: You are inspired, artistic, and introspective. You know what you're thinking, and you can communicate it well.

At Your Worst: You are melancholy, alienated, and withdrawn.

Your Fixation: Envy

Your Primary Fear: To have no identity

Your Primary Desire: To find yourself

Other Number 4's: Alanis Morisette, Johnny Depp, J.D. Salinger, Jim Morrison, and Anne Rice.

What Number Are You?

"WE FIGHT! ... ... To run away." [Pause. Then suddenly all the other pirates around the table stood up and went "YEAH RIGHT!" and cheered like mad. What a pretty scene!]

You Would Be a Pet Bird

You're intelligent and witty, yet surprisingly low maintenance.

You charm people easily, and they usually love you a lot more than you love them.

You resent anyone who tries to own or control you. You refuse to be fenced in.

Why you would make a great pet: You're very smart and entertaining

Why you would make a bad pet: You're not interested in being anyone's pet!

What you would love about being a bird: Flying, obviously

What you would hate about being a bird: Being caged

What Kind of Pet Would You Be?

Yeah! I want to go fly a kite someday! Wanna FLY!~

And they are extremely right about my "surprisingly low maintenence". [Just take a look at my work desk at the tuition centre. ] Heh but you can try controlling me like how THAT BUNCH OF PEOPLE is doing right now. It's just that I'll become a very angry and evil pet parrot who will peck you to death. When you are sleeping. (When else can I escape from the cage anw? Only at night mah. When no one's looking.)

Your Mind is 67% Cluttered

Your mind is quite cluttered. And like most clutter, it's a bunch of crap you don't need.

Try writing down your worst problems and fears. And then put them out of your mind for a while.

How Cluttered is Your Mind?

That's why I keep 2 blogs, 3 journals and many many many pieces of scrap papers which I can doodle and write random thoughts on. Wanna know my secrets? Just look around for some odd pieces of paper lying around in house or on the floor of my study room and bingo. You'll probably find some secrets on them hehhehheh.

Your Job Satisfaction Level: 21%

Your job is definitely a bummer, and you probably should get a new one.

Make sure you know what's getting you down.

Is it your co-workers? The work environment? Your boss?

Getting a new job is important, but so is not repeating the same mistakes.

Should You Get a New Job?

HA! BINGO! (I like to abuse the word "Ha!" nowadays. -_-'')

The last 50-smth days! AND I'LL BE FREE! WAHAHAHAHA!!!~

9:55 AM

Monday, June 04, 2007

Your Dosha is Pitta

You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor.

You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader.

Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways.

But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical.

With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you

In love: You are picky but passionate

To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight.

What's Your Dosha?

Hmm that is very true. But what's a dosha?! O.o

[dosha (dosh´ah) according to the principle of constitution of the physical body in ayurveda, one of the three vital bioenergies (vata, pitta, kapha) condensed from the five elements; the doshas are responsible for the physical and emotional tendencies in the mind and body, and along with the seven dhatus (tissues) and three malas (waste products) make up the human body. The attributes of the doshas and their specific combination within each individual help determine the individual's physical and mental characteristics, while imbalance among the doshas is the cause of disease.]

Your Seduction Style: Au Natural

You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.

That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!

The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.

You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.

Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.

You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?

You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.

Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.

As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.

What Kind of Seducer Are You?

Ha! So I create a personal paradise which has the same character as a vacuum cleaner! Woo!~

For the twelve days of Christmas, your true love will send you:

Twelve robots drumming

Eleven christmas trees a-twinkling

Ten gymnasts a-leaping

Nine ladies yodeling

Eight goats a-milking

Seven gingerbread men a-crumbling

Six iPods a-playing

Five golden bowls of chicken noodle soup

Four calling prank callers

Three French fries

Two diamond pinky rings

And a chimp in a peach tree

What Will You Get for the 12 Days of Christmas?

WOW. These will cost ALOT.

Six ipods?! You mean six 2gb ones? Why not just ONE 80gb ipod? -_-'' (I won't have such a stupig guy as my true love, for goodness' sake.) And I WILL KILL YOU if you give me just 3 french fries for xmas, hear that? I don't mind the 11 xmas trees though, it'll be beautiful!

You Are 100% Gentleman

No doubt about it, you are a total gentleman.

You please the pickiest ladies, and you make everyone in a room feel comfortable.

Are You A Gentleman?

All thanks to my father's X chromosome, I had lost the chance to dazzle all women in this whole wide world with my gentlemanly gestures. If I am a guy, and if I can grow taller, become tanner, stronger, more humorous, be more shuai, I'll be the best guy among the 3 in my JC class! Too bad... I am a girl! T_T

10:40 AM

Wednesday, May 30, 2007






12:40 AM

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lolx~ Read my gluttony-twin's blog just now... very emo sia~




To my shower-mate (we shower togther in school after every pe lesson! IN DIFFERENT CUBICLES.) -cum-gluttony-twin-cum-music-ka-kee-cum-xiao-shuo-mate-cum-maths-partner-library-partner-cum-com-lab-twin-cum-best-pw-mate:

WAHLAO, CHEER UP LA! If the sky ever falls just treat it as a big big blanket! If you cannot tahan, I help u tahan the burden! "I can't carry the ring for you, but I can carry you!" This was what Sam said to Frodo while they were making their way up the huge huge volcano in the last of the trilogy. Frodo was damned tired and couldn't continue liao, so Sam piggy-backed Frodo!

Xiaobai and I will be cheering you on! And good luck! ^__^ GO! GO! GO!

(Anw, good luck to your computer also... must send to ER liao isit... LOL!)

11:50 AM

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Soul Calibur 3 - Kilik - Ending B
This is the arcade game tt simin and I are obssessed with! It's Simin's Kilik and my Xianghua!
Aww~ so cute la! Soul Calibur! LUV!!!
If we have a chance of living together in the hall we'll get a Xbox! And fight! LOL!

Soul Calibur 2 Girl Music Video

MY XIANGHUA (in red robe)!!!

Gals rule! ^_~

11:17 AM

Monday, May 21, 2007










I'll save $$$ and buy a mp3. Plug the ear phones into my ears, close my eyes, read the lyrics in my mind and remember only the melodies. Shall not think about other stuff. Just let me be alone for now. Don't wave if you see me on the street today. I don't know you. I just erased my memories. And I don't want it back... at least for the moment.

10:33 AM